
Our mission is to expand college options and increase access and affordability of high quality, inclusive postsecondary education that leads to the development of skills essential in achieving the goals of competitive integrated employment and community living for ALL interested youth, young adults, and adults with an intellectual disability from all ethnic, cultural, linguistic and socioeconomic backgrounds.


Our vision is to build, enhance, and sustain initiatives that deliver inclusive higher education for students with an intellectual disability across Minnesota, including attending college classes, gaining work experience, earning meaningful credentials and becoming a genuine member of the campus community.

Purpose & Outcomes

The Minnesota Inclusive Higher Education Consortium’s main purpose is to provide tools and resources, professional development, and technical assistance to collaboratively develop and enhance inclusive higher education initiatives across the state. As a result, more people with an intellectual disability will have access to high-quality, inclusive postsecondary education. Our work aims toward the individual outcomes of attending college, earning a credential, integrated, competitive employment, higher wages, and living more independently. These outcomes are consistent with the Minnesota Olmstead’s Plan Employment and Lifelong Learning and Education goals:

  • By June 30, 2025, the percent of students with disabilities, who have enrolled in an integrated postsecondary education setting within one year of leaving high school, will increase to 34.8% (from a baseline of 29.8%).
  • By June 30, 2025, the number of students with developmental cognitive disabilities, ages 19-21 that enter into competitive integrated employment through the Employment Capacity Building Cohort (ECBC) will be 1,513.

Institute on Community Integration

The Institute on Community Integration (ICI) at the University of Minnesota is the host organization for MIHEC. ICI is a designated University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and works with service providers, policymakers, educators, employers, advocacy organizations, researchers, families, community members, and individuals with disabilities around the world, building communities that are inclusive. MIHEC shares the mission, vision, and values of ICI.


Funding for the development of the Inclusive Higher Education Technical Assistance (TA) Center was secured in the Higher Education Omnibus Bill during the 2023 Legislative session. The Minnesota Office of Higher Education will provide the funding through a contract with the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota to establish the TA Center, with the purpose of creating access to self-sustaining postsecondary education options across the state for students with an intellectual disability to earn postsecondary credentials.

Contact Us

Mary Hauff, Director

MIHEC Workgroup:

Liz Grace Hannan, Parent and Advocate

Amy Hewitt, Ph.D., FAAIDD, Director – Institute on Community Integration, U of M

Seunghee Lee, Ph.D. Research Associate, Institute on Community Integration, U of M

General contact: MIHEC@umn.edu

The University of Minnesota stands on Miní Sóta Makhóčhe , the rightful homelands of the Dakhóta Oyáte.  We recognize the U.S. did not uphold its end of these land treaties. It is the current and continued displacement of the Dakhóta Oyáte that allows the University to remain today. 

At ICI, we affirm our commitment to address systemic racism, ableism and all other inequalities and forms of oppression to ensure inclusive communities.