Momentum: The Fall 2024 issue of MIHEC's newsletter

Mary Hauff Profiled in DETAC Newsletter

The Minnesota Office of Higher Education now accepts Inclusive Higher Education Grant proposals.

Momentum: The Summer 2024 issue of MIHEC's newsletter

In May 2024, Mary Hauff presented "Solutions for Inclusive Higher Education " as the monthly webinar for the Midwest Inclusive Post Secondary Alliance. The slides are available here.

Pacer Center webinar: “Think it, Dream it, Do it: Post-high School Options for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.” MIHEC Director Mary Hauff co-presented this webinar on inclusive higher education with Daniel Habib of the Think College Network and Dawn Allen with a panel of Bethel Build students and parents.

Inclusive Higher Education for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Slides from the presentation by Cha Her of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education and MIHEC's Mary Hauff at the Minnesota Association of Financial Aid Administrators conference in Brainerd on May 8, 2024.

MPR News: New center aims to help people with an intellectual disability get college degrees in Minnesota

Momentum: The Spring 2024 issue of MIHEC's newsletter

Momentum: The Winter 2024 issue of MIHEC's newsletter

Inclusive Higher Ed Moves Forward

Momentum: The Summer 2023 issue of MIHEC's newsletter

Impact: Feature Issue on Transition in a Global Context

Moving Forward: Inclusive Higher Ed. Mary Hauff received the Exceptional Advocate Award from the Minnesota Council on Disability, recognizing her contributions to building momentum for inclusive higher education in the state.

Impact: Feature Issue on Inclusive Higher Education for People with Intellectual, Developmental, and Other Disabilities

Upcoming Events

October 2024

MIHEC Community of Practice Gathering: Establishing Internships and Employment Opportunities

October 8

3:00 - 4:15 pm Central Time

Register for this event.

In recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, the October Community of Practice topic explores establishing internships and employment opportunities for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities who attend college. One stated outcome of inclusive higher education is providing quality employment opportunities in the student's career area of interest and leading to competitive integrated employment after graduation. Amy D'Agati from the University of Maryland will present and share how their job development provides meaningful employment experience, how peer mentor training prepares mentors for job coaching, and how they partner with the Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS). A student will join Amy to co-present. Join the conversation and learn from the experiences at the University of Maryland.

Amy D’Agati, Senior Faculty Specialist in the College of Education, University of Maryland College Park, is staff at the Center for Transition and Career Innovation. She has an MS in Rehabilitation Counseling/Supported Employment and Transition from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and a BS in Communications Studies and German from Northwestern University. Amy has been working in the field of Transition and Career Development for people with disabilities for nearly 30 years, providing direct employment services to students and their families, partnering with businesses, training transition personnel, and researching and implementing best practices strategies in the field. She established and currently directs UMD’s TerpsEXCEED program, an inclusive postsecondary college experience for students with intellectual disabilities who could not access college in a traditional manner. In addition, she has helped develop, support, and research postsecondary education programs on college campuses for students with IDD in Maryland, New York, Connecticut, Tennessee, and other states. She was also a Technical Assistance Provider at the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C), a coalition of many universities across the country providing resources and TA to U.S. states and territories, and has provided technical assistance on numerous national model demonstration projects and various state Disability Innovation Fund grants.

October 2024

MIHEC Learning Community Event: How the Higher Education Pathway to Competitive Integrated Employment can be Supported by Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)

October 15

6:00 - 7:15 pm Central Time

Register for this event.

In recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, the October Learning Community Event topic is focused on competitive integrated employment. Nationally, the employment rate of people with intellectual disability is around 19%. Higher education is a pathway to employment and a career path of choice. VR and higher education programs for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities have similar goals: increased preparation for and increased access to paid employment for people with disabilities. Russ Thelin from Think College and Allyssa Klein from Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation will share what the partnership can look like and how collaborating to establish statewide practices benefits students, institutions of higher education, and VR counselors.

Alyssa Klein, MS, CRC Youth Services Coordinator Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS), has worked for VRS for 28 years. She began her tenure as a career guidance (VR) counselor for youth and adults with disabilities. In her current statewide role, she works on policy, leads interagency initiatives, and provides training and technical assistance to VRS staff and stakeholders in assisting youth with disabilities to succeed in postsecondary education, interdependent living, and employment. Her primary interest is to see that all people with disabilities have the information, opportunities and supports needed to explore, prepare for, and succeed in their careers.

Russell J. Thelin, M.S., LVRC, CRC, CRL is a Senior Policy Fellow at the Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts Boston. A 34-year vocational rehabilitation professional, Thelin has experience as a rehabilitation counselor, Supervisor, Program Coordinator, Division Director, and Executive Director of the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation. As a Senior Policy Fellow, he applies his skills, expertise, and experience leading research in and technical assistance for areas of vocational rehabilitation counseling, VR agency organizational and cultural change, rehabilitation supervision, business engagement, dual-customer service models, developing interagency partnerships, inclusive post-secondary education, and transformational leadership. Thelin holds a master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Utah State University. He is a nationally Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) and Certified Rehabilitation Leader (CRL). Recognitions include the 2014 Utah Ethical Leadership Award for Government from The Daniels Fund, Zions Bank, and the University of Utah Eccles School of Business, as well as the 2009 Excellence in Rehabilitation Award from the Utah Rehabilitation Association.

November 2024

MIHEC Community of Practice Gathering: Inclusive Higher Education Best Practices

November 12

3:00 - 4:15 pm Central Time

Register for this event.

Join us for an engaging discussion on the latest best practices in inclusive higher education, informed by insights from the 2024 National Inclusive Higher Education Conferences, including the State of the Art (SOTA) and Student Leadership Conference (SLC), held on October 29-30, 2024, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

MIHEC members who attended the conference will share key takeaways and explore how these can be applied to our Minnesota initiatives. This gathering will highlight conference learnings and serve as an interactive listening session. We invite you to bring your questions and ideas as we collectively reflect on how to enhance inclusive higher education practices across the state.

November 2024

MIHEC Learning Community Event: Think College Policy Advocacy Training

November 19

6:00 - 7:15 pm Central Time

Register for this event.

Liz Weintraub and Denise Rozell from the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) will co-present with Policy Advocates who have completed the Think College Advocates training. Come and learn about the policy advocacy skills training available to students and staff of inclusive higher education programs for students with intellectual disabilities.

Past Events

June 2024

Inclusive Higher Education Competitive Grant (June 24)

The Minnesota Office of Higher Education and MIHEC will co-present an online workshop on June 24 about a new competitive grants program. The grants are intended to increase sustainable opportunities for inclusive postsecondary education for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Minnesota. The Minnesota Office of Higher Education will release its request for proposals in early June, and the workshop will explain how postsecondary institutions in Minnesota can apply for these grants. For further information, visit the State's Inclusive Higher Education Grants webpage.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

2024 Inclusive Higher Education Grant - Request for Proposal: https://www.youtube.com/embed/KzrKdr6A5AI

April 2024

MIHEC Learning Community Event: A Model for Intentional College and Career Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom (April 16)

College is an enormous growth opportunity in the lives of all students. Inclusive higher education initiatives for students with intellectual disability can promote this growth by supporting students in setting and working toward meaningful college and career goals and gaining related experiences.

In this webinar, Dr. Kathryn Burke and two Temple University students describe, provide resources, and share student experiences from the Temple University Leadership and Career Studies' four-year certificate program. Temple uses the College and Career Learning Model, which enables students and those who support them to plan and strengthen college and career abilities, gain related experiences in the campus community, and track progress, all without separate, specialized courses.

Dr. Burke is an Associate Director at Temple's Institute on Disabilities and an Assistant Professor of Research in the Department of Teaching and Learning. She received her PhD from the University of Kansas in Special Education with a Minor in Research Design and Analysis. Dr. Burke was formerly an elementary special education teacher in Philadelphia. She elevates strengths-based inclusive education and self-determination across the life course for people with disabilities through scholarship, teaching, and service.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Learning Community Events: April 16, 2024: https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZkatRJHVOIE

April 2024

MIHEC Community of Practice Gathering: Inclusive Program of Study (April 9)

When they complete a degree, nondegree, or certificate program, college students can reasonably expect to earn a meaningful credential that will open doors to greater independence and the career path of their choice. College students with intellectual disability have the same expectation. This gathering featured a panel of colleagues from across the country who lead their institution's inclusive higher education programs. They provided insights into how they planned and offered an inclusive program of study approved by their institution.

The panelists were Jaclyn Camden, who is Director of the ACE-IT in College at Virginia Commonwealth University; Amy D’Agati, who is Director of the TerpsEXCEED program at the University of Maryland; and Thomas Neuville, who is a Professor of Integrated Studies and the Principal Investigator of the Pennsylvania Inclusive Higher Education Consortium (PIHEC) TSPID Grant at Millersville University.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Community of Practice: April 10, 2024: https://www.youtube.com/embed/rWSxFNwceTc

March 2024

MIHEC Learning Community Event: Engaging Students, Families, and Educators in the Inclusive Postsecondary Education Preparation Process (March 19)

Helping students with intellectual and developmental disabilities prepare for inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE) is best addressed with a team approach. Equipping students and their support team, including family members and educators, with IPSE preparation resources makes the transition to college more successful. Through a combination of presentation and group discussion, this interactive event reviews important steps and resources for students, families, and educators as students prepare for the transition to college.

Presented by Shayna Laing, the Community Engagement Manager for IN! Pathways to Inclusive Higher Education. She is a dynamic advocate for students with intellectual disability within higher education. With a master’s degree in special education and a graduate certificate in disability services in post-secondary settings from Ball State University, Laing is passionate about establishing inclusive practices and pathways for individuals of all abilities to reach their full potential. Her experience includes serving as the Coordinator of Student Success and Accessibility at Colorado Christian University, Academic Support Professional for the Elevate at ACC program, and Pre-Vocational Service Provider at Stepping Stone Support Center.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Learning Community: March 19, 2024: https://www.youtube.com/embed/0Thwd250B9Q

March 2024

MIHEC Community of Practice Event: Inclusive Higher Education Conversation (March 5)

A gathering of Minnesota college and university faculty and staff who are either interested in or part of their campus' inclusive higher education initiative.

February 2024

MIHEC Learning Community Event: Creating Our Own Lives: College Students with Intellectual Disability (February 13)

In this session, presenter Beth Myers, co-editor of Creating Our Own Lives: College Students with Intellectual Disability (Minnesota, 2023), explains that students with intellectual and developmental disabilities belong in higher education. Myers and her co-editor, Michael Gill, give voice to young adults with intellectual disability and their experiences in inclusive higher education and offers a powerful challenge to assumptions that intellectual disability is best met with protection or segregation. Myers and some of the college students featured in the book share their experiences as students enrolled in inclusive higher education programs. They provide information and inspiration that supports individuals with intellectual disability who aspire to attend college and parents seeking opportunities for their children and guidance to those reimagining and creating educational spaces.

Beth Myers is the Lawrence B. Taishoff Associate Professor of Inclusive Education, the Executive Director of the Taishoff Center for Inclusive Higher Education, and the Assistant Director for the Center on Disability and Inclusion. She is a faculty member in the Teaching and Leadership Department in the School of Education at Syracuse University, teaching in the Inclusive Elementary program where she started in 2014. She oversees InclusiveU, a federally-recognized model program for college students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Learning Community: February 15, 2024: https://www.youtube.com/embed/DmN1U_pkULA

January 2024

MIHEC Community of Practice Event: National Accreditation Standards and Resources for Program Accreditation (January 23)

In this session, presenters Mary Judge Diegert and Martha Mock provide an overview of the national accreditation standards and valuable insight into how to embed the standards into new or existing inclusive higher education initiatives. The conversation includes resources developed by the Think College National Coordinating Center and information about the Inclusive Higher Education Accreditation Council. The program accreditation standards are part of the Minnesota Inclusive Higher Education competitive grants. Also, learn about the available planning tools to support you in aligning your inclusive higher education initiative with the national accreditation standards.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Community of Practice: January 2024: https://www.youtube.com/embed/-h1TpdGB7gs

November 2023

MIHEC Learning Community Event: High-Quality Inclusive Higher Education Initiatives (November 28)

In this session, presenter Edie Cusack reviews the process of creating an effective and successful post-secondary education program for students with intellectual disability from conception to implementation. She joined the College of Charleston [South Carolina] in 2010 and established a four-year, fully-inclusive postsecondary education initiative on campus. Drawing on her experience, Cusack covers planning, potential barriers, training, engaging all stakeholders, and measuring outcomes. She explains how to prepare faculty and staff and develop potential systems of support including tutors and mentors. She also has suggestions for students and their parents on how to prepare for college while still in high school and gives tips for the college search. See Cusack's TEDx Talk on “College– possible for students with intellectual disability.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Workgroup Webinar: November 28, 2023: https://www.youtube.com/embed/DFJNEaUnZJM

November 2023

MIHEC Community of Practice Gathering: A Guide to the Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary (CTP) Program Designation (November 14)

The CTP program designation empowers colleges and universities to offer an affordable inclusive higher education initiative. Eligible students with intellectual disability can access federal financial aid when they attend an approved CTP program at an accredited college or university, even if they do not have a standard high school diploma and/or are not seeking a degree. In Minnesota, the CTP program approval also opens the door to state financial aid for eligible Minnesota students with intellectual disability. The gathering opened with a brief overview of the CTP program by Cate Weir, who is coordinator of the Think College National Coordinating Center. This was followed by a panel discussion/Q&A with faculty and staff who have completed the CTP program application process. The panelists were Kami Gallus (Professor and Associate Director of the Oklahoma State University Center for Developmental Disabilities), Jennifer Woegens (Executive Director of Elevate at Arapahoe Community College), and Chad M. Blew (director of scholarships and financial aid at Oklahoma State University). Minnesota college and university faculty and staff—especially financial aid officers—gained practical advice, tips, and resources to complete the application process and obtain CTP program approval for their institutions.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Community of Practice: November 14, 2023: https://www.youtube.com/embed/WB1slXvu8m4

October 2023

MIHEC Community of Practice Gathering: Inclusive Teaching, In Practice and Theory (October 17)

A gathering of Minnesota college and university faculty and staff who are either interested in or part of their campus' inclusive higher education initiative. Facilitated by faculty members Annette Romualdo (University of Minnesota Duluth) and Diana Joseph (Minnesota State University, Mankato).

October 2023

MIHEC Learning Community Event: A Community-Based Collaborative Transition Model for Minnesota Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (October 10)

The Institute on Community Integration (ICI) leads a Community-Based Collaborative Transition Model project to improve the transition experiences and outcomes of Minnesota students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The project intersects with MIHEC's inclusive higher education efforts to expand postsecondary education options for students with an intellectual disability. In this webinar, ICI's Renáta Tichá, Brian Abery, and Seunghee Lee shared the project goals, preliminary findings, and next steps. They also discussed the importance of the collaborative group of stakeholders who are project partners: MIHEC, school districts, state agencies, local service providers, and disability advocacy agencies.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Workgroup Webinar: October 2023: https://www.youtube.com/embed/lCfzBQXon1k

September 2023

MIHEC Learning Community Event: Strategic Partnerships Derived from Common Goals (Employment Opportunities, Work Skills Training, and Transition to Employment after College) (September 19)

Oklahoma has three Inclusive Post Secondary Education (IPSE) options for students with intellectual/developmental disabilities which are Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary Programs (CTP designated) and one IPSE program for degree-seeking students with autism. Julie Lackey (Director of OKIPSE Alliance) and Yolanda Scott (Youth Programs Manager for Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board) helped build the strategic partnerships that support students’ access to college and community employment, which are essential components of the Oklahoma IPSE initiatives. During this presentation, Lackey and Scott discussed the partnerships that Oklahoma IPSE has forged with Oklahoma Vocational Rehabilitation, the Oklahoma City Community Foundation, and the Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board. Innovative collaborations with these organizations that have similar goals tap existing resources and funding to support students, IPSE staff, and off-campus employers when students work off-campus while enrolled and pursue competitive integrated employment after graduation.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Workgroup Webinar: September 2023: https://www.youtube.com/embed/ayS1aojKySw

September 2023

Community of Practice Gathering: All Things Inclusive Higher Education (September 12)

A gathering of Minnesota college and university faculty and staff who are either interested in or part of their campus' inclusive higher education initiative. Facilitated by faculty members Annette Romualdo (University of Minnesota Duluth) and Diana Joseph (Minnesota State University, Mankato).

May 2023

Community of Practice Gathering: Inclusive Teaching, In Theory and Practice

A gathering of Minnesota college and university faculty and staff who are either interested in or part of their campus' inclusive higher education initiative. Facilitated by faculty members Annette Romualdo (University of Minnesota Duluth) and Diana Joseph (Minnesota State University, Mankato).

April 2023

MIHEC Learning Community Event: Embracing Dignity of Risk (April 18)

Magen Rooney-Kron, Christopher Worth, and Stephen Schomaker—all from the University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL)—emphasized the importance of the dignity of risk for students with intellectual disabilities who are pursuing an inclusive postsecondary education. They discussed authentic dignity of risk, what it looks like on a college campus, and some of its benefits and outcomes.

Rooney-Kron taught high school students with intellectual disability in Chicago and now teaches the Transition Issues and Planning course at UMSL. Her research focuses on (a) the inclusion of students with significant support needs in high-quality, work-based learning experiences and (b) how policies, such as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act, affects the provision of transition services to youth with disabilities.

Worth is a community organizer, community educator, writer, and visual artist with a disability. He takes a strengths-based approach to disability, teaching in the UMSL Succeed program, which is a postsecondary program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Worth's research interests include exploring how “calculated risk” can improve self-determination across the life course.

Schomaker was a senior in the Succeed Program at UMSL in spring 2023. He intends to continue his education at UMSL with support from the Link Program. Schomaker plans to pursue an education degree and teach physical education in middle school.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Workgroup Webinar: April 2023: https://www.youtube.com/embed/vAN3GDxQL2E

April 2023

Community of Practice Gathering: Campus Allies and Community Partners (April 10)

A gathering of Minnesota college and university faculty and staff who are either interested in or part of their campus's inclusive higher education initiative. Facilitated and led by Annette Romualdo, UMD faculty, and Diana Joseph, Minnesota State Mankato faculty.

March 2023

Learning Community Event: The Portable Credential and Planning for Life After College

Christi Kasa, Ph.D., from the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, shared two important aspects of Colorado’s inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE) programs: The Portable Credential and Planning for Life After College. She was joined by one of her students who shared their experience.

Kasa is a Professor for the Department of Teaching and Learning and the Director of the Office of Inclusive Services in the College of Education at the University of Colorado. Her passion guides her teaching, research, and consulting to create successful inclusive schools. Kasa’s expertise is in Universal Design for Learning, best practices for inclusive schooling, and inclusive post-secondary education. Her began her career teaching in the public schools of California as a general education teacher and special education teacher. Kasa now spends time in schools all over the country, working to end the segregation of students with disabilities.


Slide deck

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Workgroup Webinar: March 2023: https://www.youtube.com/embed/ccnn63zPdgM

February 2023

Learning Community Event: Customized Employment

Jaclyn Camden of Virginia Commonwealth University discussed the importance of paid employment while in college and offered information on a national study to assist staff in higher education to provide employment supports that fit the strengths and needs of college students with IDD. The presenter explained how to help students get paid jobs while in college and suggested practical strategies on implementing customized employment in higher education. The presentation also shared what has worked for study participants, representing 75 universities across the country, as well as challenges they faced in providing employment supports. Facilitated by Nicole Rabinowitz, Inclusive Networking.


Slide deck

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Workgroup Webinar: February 2023: https://www.youtube.com/embed/-FlzopA9C2Q

December 2022

Community of Practice Gathering: Building Relationships and Allies on Campus

A gathering of Minnesota college and university faculty and staff who are either interested in or part of their campus's inclusive higher education initiative. Facilitated and led by Annette Romualdo, UMD faculty, and Diana Joseph, Minnesota State Mankato faculty.

November 2022

Learning Community Event: 2022 National Inclusive Higher Education Conference Key Takeaways

A conversation that shared key developments, big ideas, and important resources from the 2022 national inclusive higher education conferences. The State of the Art (SOTA) and Student Leadership Conference (SLC) happened in October 2022 in Syracuse, New York. MIHEC members who attended those conferences shared what they learned and how we could apply it to our Minnesota initiatives. The presenters included Mary Hauff of MIHEC and Diana Joseph, a faculty member at Minnesota State University, Mankato.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Workgroup Webinar: November 2022: https://www.youtube.com/embed/KI1W7Hpr1R0

October 2022

MIHEC Workgroup Webinar: Community of Practice

This first Minnesota Community of Practice for inclusive higher education gathering was designed for Minnesota college and university faculty and staff who are either interested in or part of their campus's inclusive higher education initiative. Facilitated and led by Annette Romualdo, UMD faculty, and Diana Joseph, Minnesota State Mankato faculty.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Workgroup Webinar: October 2022: https://www.youtube.com/embed/W8XFDvPy1iQ

September 2022

MIHEC Learning Community Webinar: Public Policy Advocacy

Julia Burkstaller and Dupree Edwards shared their experience advocating for inclusive higher education in Minnesota, providing information on state-level advocacy, what it takes to get a bill signed into law, and what you can do to get involved in public policy advocacy. Students, parents, educators, and faculty can all make a difference as inclusive higher education public policy advocates.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Workgroup Webinar: September 2022: https://www.youtube.com/embed/veq7EBiNliA

April 2022

Student Journeys

Gain insight from the experiences of current college students and graduates. The student panel members shared their experiences about their journey preparing for college and going to college. What has their experience been? What would they do differently? What are their career aspirations after college or what career are they pursuing after college? Their answers are in the video.


Slide deck

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Workgroup Webinar: April 2022: https://www.youtube.com/embed/Gz9Ag8w-uY8

March 2022

Access to College: Ableism vs. Inclusion and Opportunity

This event shared how disability history - in its legacy of segregation and separation - still influences educator attitudes, school systems, and the educational experiences of people with disabilities.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Workgroup Webinar: March 2022: https://www.youtube.com/embed/ChJOabaBLpM

February 2022

What Are Your College Plans?

Presenters at this Student and Family Information night included members of the Minnesota Inclusive Higher Education Consortium (MIHEC) workgroup.



Slide deck

Video from the Web version of this publication:

What are your college plans? Student and family information night.: https://www.youtube.com/embed/4CGHj9Uf-MI

November 2021

Student Supports: A Panel Presentation and Discussion with Georgia Tech's Excel Program .

Presenters included student Martha Haythorn, peer mentor Hanna Shaw, parent Preston Tauscher, mentorship coordinator Luke Roman, and the Excel Program director, Ken Surdin.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

Student Supports: A Panel Presentation and Discussion with Georgia Tech's Excel Program: https://www.youtube.com/embed/QY8F4fa90RI

October 2021

What Does Inclusive Higher Education Look Like?

Amy D'Agati presented on the Terps-EXCEED Model at the University of Maryland.


Video from the Web version of this publication:

MIHEC Workgroup Webinar: October 2021: https://www.youtube.com/embed/bseU_jqgFPA

September 2021

Campus Capacity Building

Presented by Jessica Lamb from Augustana University and Diana Joseph from Minnesota State University, Mankato.


Video from the Web version of this publication:

Campus Capacity Building: https://www.youtube.com/embed/T7OQzfp_S58

May 2021

Person-Centered Planning

Presented by Mark Winters from Beacon Specialized Living.


Video from the Web version of this publication:

Person-Centered Planning: https://www.youtube.com/embed/7-IyHZe33Kw

April 2021

Job Coaching and Peer/Natural Supports

Presented by Nicole Rabinowitz from INclusive Networking.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

Job Coaching & Peer/Natural Supports: https://www.youtube.com/embed/QPU-6v6e4Xc

March 2021

Minnesota CTPs: Reconnect and Share

Presented by Benjamin Larson from Ridgewater College, Dawn Allen from Bethel BUILD, and Patricia Sloan from Central Lakes College.

November 2020

Action and Outreach: A Community Discussion About Next Steps in Minnesota

October 2020

Braided Funding

Presented by Debra Hart from Think College and University of Massachusetts, Jan Bechtel from Millersville University, and Denise Rozell from Think College and AUCD.

September 2020

Meaningful Credentials

Presented by Kelly Haines and Russ Thelin from Think College.