MIHEC Learning Community events and webinars are open to all allies and stakeholders, including students and families, local school districts, Minnesota state agencies, community organizations, and higher education institutions. Please subscribe to regular updates and invite others in your network to join!

MIHEC hosts six Learning Community events each year. Each webinar event is based on inclusive higher education topics specific to the expressed needs and interests of our Learning Community and presented by local and national experts. Past topics include Person-Centered Planning, Campus Capacity Building, Meaningful Credentials, Job Coaching, Student Supports, and Braided Funding. View past and upcoming events on the Events & News page.

The MIHEC Learning Community includes the following:

Students and Families

MIHEC includes students with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families who are attending college or considering the path to college. They want to know about local higher education opportunities and access to the best resources to prepare and make informed choices.

Local School Districts

We welcome all staff from school districts, also called Local Education Agencies (LEAs), such as district and special education administrators, school board members, transition directors, guidance counselors, principals, and teachers. These stakeholders can help encourage pathways to inclusive postsecondary education through strength-based individualized education programs (IEPs), higher expectations, and coordinating services.

Partnering State Agencies

Minnesota's state agencies are collaborating with MIHEC to expand inclusive higher education in Minnesota. They include the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities, Minnesota Council on Disability, the Olmstead Implementation Office, the Minnesota Departments of Education (MDE), Human Services (DHS), Employment and Economic Development (DEED), and the Office of Higher Education (OHE).

Community Organizations

Many community organizations participate in the MIHEC Learning Community. The Arc Minnesota, PACER Center, Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota, GiGi’s Playhouse, Autism Society of Minnesota, and Family Voices are active participants.

Institutions of Higher Education

MIHEC is open to institutions of higher education that offer enrollment to students with IDD or who are exploring and interested in learning more about inclusive higher education. Emerging inclusive higher education initiatives, at various stages of development, are receiving technical assistance (TA) from MIHEC and coordinated TA through Think College .

Please contact MIHEC@umn.edu for more information.